
Obstetrics & Gynecology

Obstetrics & Gynecology



Al Sharq’s Obstetrics & Gynecology clinic is able to support the full range of antenatal and maternity care, including consultation on high-risk pregnancies, twin pregnancy and fertility related matters. The department works closely with our Neonatology team, to provide and end-to-end management of all pregnancies, including pre-term babies, to ensure that every baby is born happy and healthy.
We also offer specialized check-ups, including PAP smear, HPV tests, mammography screening, general gynecology wellness, and cosmetic gynecology services that boost the confidence and self-image of our female patients.
The treatment rooms are comfortable, modern and equipped with advanced equipment for comprehensive examination.
The department has 3 labour rooms, 3 pre-labour rooms and 3 observation beds.
For gynecology surgeries, the department works closely with the General Surgery department, to offer a wide range of surgeries via laparoscopy (“key-hole”) approach, to minimize scarring, and aid rapid healing, to also reduce the length of stay in hospital.


General and High-Risk Obstetrics
General Gynecology
Operative Laparoscopic Procedures (Minimal Invasive Surgery)
Women’s health problems
Urinary Incontinence
Ovarian Cysts and Tumors
Removal of Fibroids
Infertility, Lysis of adhesions
Infertility (checking the condition and potency of the fallopian tubes)
Intra-Peritoneal Hemorrhage
Polycystic Ovaries
Pelvic Infection
Sterilization (Laparoscopic sterilization)
Diagnosis and treatment of some uterine anomalies
Evaluation and removal of pelvic lymph nodes
Extrauterine pregnancy
High-level gynecology ultrasound scan
Ante-Natal Care